Social Media and other Channels for Political Discourse

In the age of modern technology there is no form of media as influencing and effective to reach the biggest audience than social media. Through this media it is now possible to follow discourses and debates as well as to actively interact in the way of commenting and to publish own articles and posts.

With a total reach of 2,9 billion active users on Facebook, 1,9 billion on YouTube and 1,3 billion on Twitter there is a unbelievable number of people available to reach across the globe and to bring closer to political discourse through the platforms.

Thanks to these social networking platforms we now have the opportunity to deliver topics such as the dialogue between European countries and the Arab world to the general public in the form of videos, text as well as presentations.

Now questions arise such as:

We would like to speak about these questions during our second workshop “Social Media and other Channels for Political Discourse” on March 21, 2020 with the help of our experts from different fields to find possibilities on how to use the platforms of social media in the most effective manner to create a more open and future-orientated dialogue between European states and the Arab world