State, Justice and Religion: Where do we draw the Lines?

For centuries the separation of state and religion has been an important topic across the globe. In historical examples such as Albania in the years of 1968 until 1990 where any religious practice was forbidden in public areas , Iran since the Islamic revolution which has combined state and religion or a constitutional solution in which state and religion have been separated but the freedom of religion has been given to the citizens of the state.

Social Media and other Channels for Political Discourse

In the age of modern technology there is no form of media as influencing and effective to reach the biggest audience than social media. Through this media it is now possible to follow discourses and debates as well as to actively interact in the way of commenting and to publish own articles and posts.

Religion and Diversity of Thought

In a cosmopolitical society like today it is not a special case if a Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist and other religions live door to door. Through this mixing of different cultures and religions doors have opened for expansion of horizons, development of countries and also creation of beneficial subcultures.

Life after Daesh

Opportunities and challenges for the integration of women and children in society

Rape, selling, enslavement and forced marriage of women and children are usual treatments by IS-Jihadists. Thousands of women and children have already been taken captive as “War booty” by the IS.

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